A mixture of the Arabic blood of her father, and the English blood of her mother, Elizabeth (Beth) Jarvis grows up on the estate of Jarvisfield in Scotland. A dark-haired, dark-eyed girl of uncommon beauty who enslaves the hearts of two young men, while loving only one.
Lachlan Macquarie Junior, rich and golden, and the heir to his famous father’s estate, is the joy of his mother’s heart, until she finally realises that the only man her son is capable of respecting, and the only one who can control him, is Beth’s father, George Jarvis.
Based on the true-life stories of the Macquarie, Jarvis and Dewar families, and set in the natural beauty of the Island of Mull, JARVISFIELD is a stand-alone novel in its own right, and the third book in The Macquarie Series.
Cover: Macquarie House, Gruline, Isle of Mull, Scotland.
5.0 out of 5 stars WONDERFUL STORY 15 Oct 2013
Sean Format:Kindle Edition
Loved every page of this. The author has a very natural way of telling the story that makes it easy to see and hear the people before your eyes at all times, and the story is just as good as the first two books in the `Macquarie series’ which were brilliant.
Unlike the first two books, which were set in India and Australia, this one is set solely in Scotland and is now telling the story of the younger generation, Lachlan and Beth, the son and daughter of Lachlan Macquarie Senior and George Jarvis.
I’m sure the author would have liked to make `Lachlan’ – the son of the former hero in the previous two books – the hero in this book also, but as it is based on a true story she clearly resisted the temptation to do so and told it like it was, good and bad – you have my respect Ms Browne!
I also loved and laughed out loud at some of the “local” Scottish people in Jarvisfield, but the end was sad for Beth and I could not wait to download the following book and find out what happened next.
All in all, a wonderful story told in a fresh and natural way that makes you feel as if you `know’ all the characters at the end, and want to go on knowing more about them.
5.0 out of 5 stars Highly recommended August 18, 2013
Ella Format:Kindle Edition|Amazon Verified Purchase
I absolutely loved this book. The story centres on Lachlan Macquarie’s son, Lachlan Jr, and George Jarvis’ daughter, Beth. It is different to the first two as the setting is not as worldwide in its geographical scope as India or Australia, but is set solely in Scotland on the Isle of Mull. The story closes in on the family and their life in Scotland and in this I became engrossed and at times found myself laughing a lot. The darker sub theme of the book is the continuing obscenity of the slave trade and a young man who works against its continuance.At first I was sad that Lachlan Jr did not turn out to be as great or as good a man as his famous father, but I applaud the author for having the honesty to show us that all men cannot be heroes, even those in books, and that the offspring of historical figures can have lives that are just as interesting as their famous relatives . I thought the first two books in the series, By Eastern Windows and The Far Horizon, were brilliant and I’m always a little disappointed when I come to the end of a good book as I just want the story to continue. So it was great to be able to learn more about the families of characters I had grown to love in the first books. I really enjoyed the love story between Beth and John and can’t wait to know what happens next with them.
Gretta Curran Browne has not disapponted me yet with any of her books and is firmly becoming a favourite author of mine.
maflip Format:Kindle Edition|Amazon Verified Purchase
I was captivated with the historical value of this series. The author presented the facts into an intriguing story. I read all three books and would love more!
doodle Format:Kindle Edition|Amazon Verified Purchase
Fantastic continuation of the series cannot wait for Book 4 to know what happens next. Read the whole book in less than 3 days.
Una Format:Kindle Edition
Having eagerly awaited Jarvisfield I was not disappointed.
It is interesting to see in the continuing saga of The Macquarie’s, how life changes with the death of the strong and sensible head of the family. The son does not have his father’s backbone. How will it all turn out? I have just started The Wayward Son to find out.
5.0 out of 5 stars Marvellous 16 Oct 2013
I’ve read the previous two books in this series and thought they were brilliant. This one is definitely as good if not better – another great book by Gretta Curran Browne.